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Difference between olive and olive

"It doesn't surprise us that you have ever asked yourself this since both terms are commonly used when referring to the fruit of the olive tree, one of the undisputed protagonists of Mediterranean cuisine. Although apparently both words are similar, in this post we will tell you if there is any difference between them." 


What is the difference between an olive and an olive fruit? 

None, olive and olive mean exactly the same thing. According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), both refer to the fruit of the olive tree and can be used interchangeably as they have the same meaning. 

And why is it that in some areas they say "oliva" and in others "aceituna"? The distinction lies more in the use of the term according to the region and the language, they are simply used in different linguistic and cultural contexts depending on the area we are in. For example, in many areas of Spain and some countries in Latin America, it is more common to use the term "aceituna." 

Where does the word olive come from? 
The word olive comes from Hispano-Arabic and at that time meant "little oil" referring to the fruit of the olive tree. 

Where does the word olive come from? 
On the other hand, the word olive has its origins in ancient Latin, and referred to any gelatinous or viscous substance that can be associated with the substance produced when we squeeze an olive. 

Both languages were present in Spain, so depending on the geographical area, it is more common to use "aceitunas" or "olivas."

In Spain, what is used more, olive or olive fruit?

If we ask an Andalusian or a Galician, they will say olive. However, if we go to the northeast of Spain -Aragón, Valencia, Balearic Islands, Catalonia, or Murcia-, they usually use the word olive. And this is basically due to the origin of both words.

Olive or olive tree? 

Starting from the premise that there is no difference between olive and aceituna -they only differ by their origin-, you can use whichever you prefer. However, you should keep in mind that, both in Spain and worldwide, the most commonly used term to refer to the fruit of the olive tree is aceituna, whereas if we refer to the tree, we use olivo.

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