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Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils 2024

As every year, the Guía Evooleum 2024 has been published, recognizing the 100 best Extra Virgin Olive Oils in the world. 

This year, the tasting featured a international jury mostly from Spain. However, it also included European representatives: Germans, Greeks, Italians, Croats, and Portuguese gathered at this significant event. Additionally, judges from the Asian continent such as Koreans and Japanese, or even some Americans, traveled to deliver their verdict.

What is the best oil in the world? 

The South African De Rustica Estate Collection Coratina is the best oil in the world according to the Evooleum Guide 2024. With 97 points out of 100, this oil stands out for its aroma of dried grass, has acidity, although its bitterness is milder than what is usually associated with Coratina.

Three oils follow that have tied with 96 points out of 100: the Spanish oil Campos de Biatia La Dama Íbera Edición Limitada -also selected as the best picual in the world-, the also Spanish Al Alma del Olivo Ecológico Hojiblanca and the Italian Don Gioacchino.

Likewise, the Iberian Peninsula is once again the undisputed leader of this famous guide, capturing more than half of it, 61 of the 100 best oils in the world are Spanish.

What is the best oil from Spain?

Biatia Fields The Iberian Lady Picual Limited Edition has been selected as the best extra virgin olive oil from Spain and, moreover, he has been chosen the best picual oil in the world

The presence of Spain in this Guide has been more than evident. Five of the ten best oils in the world are Spanish: the already mentioned Campos de Biatia La Dama Íbera Picual Ed. Limitada; Al Alma Del Olivo Ecológico Hojiblanca in third place in the ranking with 96 points; closely followed by Mas Montseny Premium Coratina with 95 points out of 100; as well as Supremo Royal which has the same points as its predecessor and is in sixth place in the ranking; and, lastly, closing the top 10, with 95 points, Pagos de Toral Selección Gourmet.

Where is the best picual in the world from?

Biatia Fields The Iberian Lady Limited Edition, the best picual oil in the world according to this prestigious Guide, is an extra virgin olive oil made from the variety of picual olive in one of the areas where the most olive oil is produced in Spain: Baeza, Jaén. These olives are usually harvested in October and have an emerald green color. Their flavor is intense; it evokes fresh grass, tomato, almond, and artichoke. Moreover, it is healthy as it is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols.

TOP 10 Best Oils in the World (2023-2024):

  1. De Rustica Estate Collection Coratina (97 points) Variety: coratina. (Southern Cape, South Africa.)
  2. Biatia La Dama Íbera Limited Edition Fields (96 points) Variety: picual. (Jaén, Spain)
  3. To the Soul of the Hojiblanca Olive Organic (96 points) Variety: hojiblanca. (Toledo, Spain)
  4. Don Gioacchino (96 points) Variety: coratina. (Barletta-Andria-Trani, Italy)
  5. Mas Montseny Premium Coratina (95 points) Variety: coratina. (Tarragona, Spain)
  6. Supremo Royal (95 points) Variety: royal. (Jaén, Spain)
  7. Monini Monocultivar Coratina Bio (95 points) Variety: coratina (Perugia, Italy).
  8. Sabiá Terroir Blend Olive Oil (95 points) (São Paulo, Brazil).
  9. Cassetta DOP Terra Di Bari Castel Del Monte (95 points) (Bari, Italy).
  10. Toral Gourmet Selection Payments (95 points) (Jaén, Spain).

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