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'The Picual Oil: characteristics, properties, and uses'

In Spain we have more than 250 varieties of extra virgin olive oil but today we want to talk about the picual variety, the most cultivated in Spain and in the world. Its production is concentrated in Andalusia and, mainly in Jaén, where 95% of the olive trees are of the picual variety and are also candidates for UNESCO World Heritage. 

Picual olive trees are widely planted due to their high fat yield, early ripening, ease of cultivation and high quality oil. The picual tree is robust, with short branches and adapts to any type of soil, although it is sensitive to periods of drought.

olivo picual
Picual olive tree 

The name picual comes from the shape of its fruit, which ends in a beak. It weighs about three grams and an olive tree can produce between 40 and 50 kg of picual olives. It is also easy to detach from the olive. 

Picual olive


Aceituna Picual
Picual olive 

Early Harvest Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Picual extra virgin olive oil of early harvest - the highest quality oil and the one obtained in the first days of harvesting - is different from the rest due to its characteristic bitter and spicy taste, as well as its herbaceous aromas such as olive leaf, grass or tomato. It is an intense oil with a greenish tone, ideal for enhancing the flavour of dishes and making them more colourful. Among the most outstanding are Verde Esmeralda Picual, Aceite Elizondo or Yo,verde Picual.

Its spiciness and bitterness are due to its high content of polyphenols and natural antioxidants, which provide great benefits for our health such as delaying ageing, strengthening the immune system, helping to control bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and protecting our cardiovascular and bone health. In addition, polyphenols protect the oil, making it keep better. Likewise, extra virgin olive oil of the picual variety has around 80% oleic acid, a high content that gives it greater intensity.

Its consumption is recommended raw to appreciate its organoleptic properties - flavour, colour, smell and texture - and to enjoy this liquid gold on toast or a salad, reinforcing and enhancing the flavour with fruity touches. Although it is true that this variety of oil goes perfectly with any dish (sausages, marinades, meats, fish and even desserts).

Pan con aceite

Toast with Green Esmeralda Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Picual extra virgin olive oil for cooking

Picual extra virgin olive oil is the most suitable for use in cooking as it maintains its properties and flavour at high temperatures (frying, stewing...), and is more beneficial for health due to the nutrients it contains. 

Nowadays you can buy picual extra virgin olive oil for cooking in different sizes, from 1 litre bottles to 5 litre carafes (a more economical option if consumed frequently and which lasts over time thanks to the properties of the extra virgin). 

aceite oliva para cocinar
Frying with extra virgin olive oil

Where to buy Picual olive oil? 
If you are thinking of buying picual olive oil, in Olivarte, online olive oil shop, you can find the best ones by clicking  here.

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