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When are olives harvested?

He the moment of olive harvesting is a determining factor in the final quality that it will have EVOO, since this will determine, for example, the degree of ripeness. 

But, When is it harvested during the year? 

The answer is more complicated than it seems, since factors such as the location of the olive tree or the variety will tell us the best time for the olive harvest. An olive tree in Jaén is not the same as one in Valencia, nor the Arbequina variety that the Picual, for example. 

In addition, if the olives are going to be used for oil, as table olives or for seasoning, it will also influence when to harvest them., and this is something very important to keep in mind. 

When is the olive harvested in Spain?

In general, during the months from October to February is when the olive is harvested in Spain, and the month in question will depend, as we have discussed, on where the olive tree is located or on the variety of the olive. 

Even so, regardless of that, the months of November and December are when the harvest reaches its highest intensity. In this regard, it is important to highlight that the earlier the harvest, the more intense and aromatic the AOVE will be, although, on the contrary, the yield of the harvest will be lower.

When to harvest the olive depending on its use?

When is the olive harvested for oil?

There olives for producing EVOO are harvested in the veraison phase, when the olives are no longer green, but still not too ripe, characterized by having a color that ranges from green to purple. 

At this point, it is important to differentiate between the harvesting of olives to produce early harvest AOVE, which occurs during the month of October and will be when the olive will have better qualities in terms of flavor and aroma, and the collection for the production of traditional EVOO, which takes place in the month of December. 

When is the olive harvested for seasoning or table use? 

Table olives are the first to be harvested from the olive grove and, normally, the olive for dressing or table olives is harvested between the end of September and the beginning of October, just before the veraison begins, a little earlier than that intended for producing olive oil. 

When is the olive harvested in Andalusia?

With more than 1,900,000 dryland and irrigated olive trees, Andalusia is land of olive trees and exquisite olives., which makes it the ideal place for the production of olive oil and table olives.  

Considered the main producing area of Spain, Andalusia produces more than half of the olive oil in our country., with the province of Jaén having the largest olive plantations, which is hailed as the largest producer of olive oil in the world, producing around 40% of Spain's olive oil. 

There The olive harvest in Andalusia takes place from mid-October and can extend until December., due to the fact that the climate and the characteristics of the land in this area cause the olive to reach the ideal ripening moment during this time. 

In Olivarte we have the largest collection of extra virgin olive oil from Jaén, which is a true attraction for lovers of gastronomy in general, and of AOVE in particular, standing out for its characteristic yellow-green color and unmistakable, pleasant, and delicious aroma. 

How to harvest the olive?

Now that we already know when the olive harvest is, let's see the different types of olive harvesting, which will vary depending on the type of olive grove, which can be traditional, intensive, or super-intensive. 

  • Sold

The vareo is the traditional method, which consists of to strike the branches of the olive trees with sticks or poles, and it is still in use today, with the difference that initially wooden rods were used and, currently, fiberglass or plastic ones are preferred.

The purpose of the harvesting is make the olives fall onto cloths or bales placed on the ground to facilitate their collection. However, some olive growers prefer other techniques, as they believe that shaking can damage the branches and affect new harvests.

  • Milking

This method involves the hand harvesting of olives, one by one directly from the tree. Although it is a laborious and costly process, it allows for the maximum yield of the fruit and keeps the olives intact and undamaged.

  • Branch or mechanical vibration

It is a more advanced and innovative method, in which specific machinery is used to shake the branches and make the olives fall. In most cases, a mechanized clamp is used that surrounds the trunk of the tree and, driven by a tractor, causes the necessary vibration to detach the fruit. 

  • Automatic harvesters

Finally, there are the automatic harvesters, which are used in intensive plantations, where the olive trees are perfectly aligned and measured, allowing for quick and efficient collection, fully automating the process and optimizing the time and effort required.

Now yes, you already know everything about when the olives are harvested, a truly important process that will directly influence the final quality of both the oil and the table olives or for seasoning. 

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