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Cornicabra oil: what it is, characteristics, properties and uses

Cornicabra extra virgin olive oil is the most characteristic and popular olive oil of Castilla la Mancha, being protected under the Protected Designation of Origin Montes de Toledo. It is one of the most consumed varieties of extra virgin olive oil and the second most produced in our country, only behind the Picual variety, mainly in the area of Castilla la Mancha. It is an intense oil with hints of bitterness and spiciness. 

Within the extra virgin olive oil there are many different varieties, and today, in Olivarte, we are going to talk about the Cornicabra oil variety, which has some characteristics and a series of beneficial properties that make it unique and extol it as one of the highest quality oils on the market. 

In this post we are going to show you the properties of Cornicabra olive oil and everything you should know about this variety of EVOO, which is considered a high quality gourmet product. 

Characteristics of Cornicabra olive oil

One of the most outstanding characteristics of Cornicabra oil is its intense yellow colour with green tones that make it easily identifiable with respect to other varieties. It is a monovarietal variety, which means that it is made from a single type of olive, giving it unique and incomparable characteristics.

In terms of flavour, Cornicabra extra virgin olive oil is very intense, leaving a pleasantly bitter yet spicy touch and, in the case of the later maturities, a touch of sweetness at the end. All this with a delicious fruity aroma that combines different elements such as peanuts, tomatoes, apples, nuts and dried fruits. 

Cornicabra EVOO is made from the best olives, carefully selected and harvested at the optimum moment of ripeness. Around 12 kilos of olives are necessary for its production, which guarantees the maximum flavour and the highest quality.

Properties of Cornicabra olive oil

Cornicabra oil is considered to be one of the most special and highest quality EVOOs on the market. Its properties are very beneficial for health, as it is rich in polyphenols and monounsaturated oleic acid. 

This makes it an oil with a great antioxidant power, a great ally to prevent cardiovascular or neurodegenerative diseases closely related to old age. 

It also has a high vitamin E content, an important nutrient beneficial for vision, reproduction, blood, brain and skin health, which also has antioxidant properties. 

In addition, together with Picual, Cornicabra olive oil has the highest amount of Oleocanthal, a substance with totally natural anti-carcinogenic properties. 

Another of the characteristics of Cornicabra olive oil is that it favours intestinal transit, regulating intestinal processes and helping with constipation problems, at the same time as it reduces the appearance of annoying gastric acidity.

When is the cornicabra olive harvested?

The cornicabra olive variety is harvested by hand in October when the olives are still green and have a strong bitterness. 

Uses of Cornicabra olive oil

Due to its excellent properties, there are many uses for Cornicabra olive oil, both in and out of the kitchen. 

At a gastronomic level, it is one of the most valued and demanded oils, especially for frying or breading, as thanks to its great stability, it withstands the highest temperatures to perfection, keeping all its properties intact and offering a longer shelf life than other varieties. 

The bitter and spicy touch make Cornicabra oil one of the most intense oils, being ideal for those dishes that require a powerful flavour, such as meat and fish.

And, of course, it is ideal to be consumed raw, especially in toasts and salads, where it will have a spectacular presence and where its flavour can be most appreciated. 

For all the reasons we have mentioned throughout this post, Cornicabra olive oil is one of the best oils for flavouring your meals and also for health, and experts in nutrition recommend including it in your daily diet, consuming around a tablespoon a day. 
If you want to enjoy the multiple benefits it offers, at Olivarte we offer you the best brands of high quality Cornicabra extra virgin olive oil, such as 5 Elements oil, made with carefully selected olives, harvested and processed in just a few hours, to preserve its properties and powerful flavour.

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