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Does olive oil mature?

Oil is an essential ingredient in our kitchens and a staple of the Mediterranean diet. In Spain, it is common to buy oil in large jugs to take advantage of a lower price and always have oil on hand, thanks to its larger size.

In many cases, 5L oil jugs take longer to consume, sometimes lasting months or even years, especially if not used daily. This leads us to the following question: Does olive oil expire?

If you've ever encountered this situation, you've likely wondered if olive oil goes bad to know whether you can still use it, right?

In that case, this post is for you, because at Olivarte we're going to tell you how long olive oil lasts, whether it expires or not, and if it has a deadline for consumption.

Does Olive Oil Expire, Yes or No?

The first thing to consider is that olive oil does not expire; it is a product that can be consumed at any time. However, with nuances. Over time, its flavor may change and its properties may be affected, as it is important to remember that it is a 100% natural product.

What does exist is the best before date of olive oil, which marks the period in which the oil will be in perfect condition, preserving all its flavor, aroma, and properties, being the best time for its consumption.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the best before date and not to the expiration of olive oil, which, in any case, will simply be indicative, as the evolution of the oil will vary greatly depending on how it has been stored, being important to keep it well sealed, in a cool place and away from light.

We understand, however, that you may think that extra virgin olive oil has expired when it really hasn't. This is because in many containers, only one date appears, without specifying whether it is the expiration or best before date, which generates confusion among consumers.

How Long Does Olive Oil Last?

As mentioned, the durability of olive oil will mainly depend on whether it has been stored correctly or not, as if the proper care has been followed, it can maintain its properties for much longer.

Likewise, quality also affects the duration, making extra virgin olive oil have a much longer shelf life than conventional olive oil, because EVOO is obtained from olives through exclusively mechanical procedures and must have an acidity level of less than 0.8%.

According to various studies, olive oil maintains its organoleptic qualities intact for a period of between 9 and 12 months from its packaging date, and from there, it may deteriorate, especially oxidatively.

In fact, most packaging companies do not guarantee that the oil will continue to maintain its properties and original quality beyond the best before date, which is usually 12 months.

Can I Use Expired Olive Oil?

Yes, as mentioned, extra virgin olive oil does not expire as such. Past the best before date, it can be consumed with total safety, although it is true that over time it may lose quality, it is a 100% edible natural product that can be consumed at any time.

Therefore, extra virgin olive oil is not toxic or dangerous, and the only thing that can happen is that it has a much softer flavor and an aroma that can go virtually unnoticed.

Factors That Can Accelerate the Expiry of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Beyond the quality itself and how it has been stored, it should also be said that there are varieties of oil that deteriorate before others, and this is something very important to consider, especially if you get used to consuming it in the long term.

For example, the Picual variety is one of the longest lasting, as it has a higher amount of natural antioxidants such as polyphenols and vitamin E, which helps it retain its properties for longer.

Likewise, whether it is unfiltered EVOO or filtered can also affect its expiry. When it has not been filtered, the oil is fresher, but it has the problem that it can lose its properties much earlier, so it is advisable to consume it soon to fully enjoy all its properties.

In summary, it is clear that there is a best before date for extra virgin olive oil and not an expiry date, as well as that it is true that oil can lose its properties over time, but also that it can be consumed safely at any time.


  • gute Informationen zu Haltbarkeit und Aufbewahrung

  • Muchas gracias, por vuestros buenos
    consejos de conservación..!!
    Saludos, desde Vitoria.


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